Sunday, November 1, 2009


Today we had a missionary guest couple as part of our missions convention. Jim & Meg Thacker are missionaries to Burundi in Africa. Jim's blog is here. Jim & Meg have pioneered the missions work in that country that was so devastated by war. In the last 4 years they have seen 47 churches planted and 23 buildings built; amazing!

As they prepare to head back to Burundi next year, they are trying to raise enough money to build 20 more church buildings. This will take about $150,000. He is looking for 300 people/churches to give a one time gift of $500 to accomplish this. To me that is a no-brainer. Capital City for sure will be part of that challenge.

We took it a step further today.

I presented to the people at the end of the service and challenged individual families to accept the challenge and give $500. So far 7 families have stepped up and there will be more as the week goes on. That is incredible!

The "experts" say that in this economy, you can't raise money and people have nothing to give. God's economy doesn't work the way that man's does. There is money available when the cause is worthwhile and significant. More importantly, God always provides! When we believe in something and have a passion and heart for it, there is no problem going against the "experts" and wisdom of man and trusting God. It was easy to present this challenge today. There is no more worthwhile cause than building churches in strategic areas to help reach people who are far from God. More than that, many of the people groups in that part of Africa are completely unreached to this point.I know not everyone can step up to this challenge in this way, but many can.

It will be thrilling to see what God does through this! Hang on, He is just getting started!

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