Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year

2009! Stop and think about that for a moment........
Wow! where has this decade gone that we are in 2009? Remember Y2K? It was supposed to be the biggest event in modern history? Of course, it turned out to be nothing, but it seems like that was just yesterday. Yet, my daughter who is in the 2nd grade wasn't even born yet!

Here we are and it is 2009.

I love the New Year time. Everyone talks about goals and resolutions. There is looking to the past and reflecting on lessons learned and successes achieved. There is the contemplation of current life and decisions being made about changes to be made going forward. Plans are put into motion and challenges presented. Some people make the most of it and others completely ignore it. Most people fall somewhere in the middle, using this time for some changes and reflection.

As we enter into 2009 it IS a brand new year. It is a brand new opportunity. For my family, for Capital City Church, and for me personally it is all a new beginning full of the possibilities of God. I see great things in store for this up coming year. I see the hand of God moving and lives being changed. I see people being healed and families restored. I see growth and excitement and the fullness of the life of God. So bring on 2009 and let us take hold of all that it brings and not miss out on any of what God is doing.

Here are five of the goals I have for 2009:
  • Read at least 3 books per month (I haven't been as diligent in reading books this past year as I like to be)
  • Read thru the New Testament with my daughters
  • Baptize no less than 75 new Christ-followers
  • To see every regular attender at CCC catch a heart for missions that causes them to give financially and in prayer on a regular basis. It's not the dollar amount we give that matters as much as everyone doing their part.
  • Complete the two writing projects I have going currently and help my wife complete the one she has going
I have others, but some are more personal and some are huge and I am not ready to share those. These five are a start and I'll keep you posted how they are progressing.

1 comment:

  1. Those are some awesome goals! It'll be awesome to see what God has in store for CCC, I'm excited! What books are you planning on reading?


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