Easter weekend. JESUS IS ALIVE!
This is what we celebrate. This is the message we proclaim. It's why we exist.
Yesterday was incredible! We held our Easter Egg Hunt in the morning at Winterset Elementary. The attendance was fantastic! Largest ever for Cap City. Best of all, 75% of those there were guests. That is awesome! We gave out 5000 eggs, who knows how many pounds of chocolate, and 60 prize packs. Next year we plan on at least 10,000 eggs. Cap City folks, as you have opportunity, hit the post Easter sales and pick up plastic eggs for our Egg Hunt next year. Thanks!
After the Egg Hunt we had some men show up to do some work around the grounds. We pulled weeds, raked mulch, and just did some general sprucing up. The place looked very nice for this morning.
This morning, we started the day with the Sonrose breakfast. The men and women who put that together just rocked it! The food was terrific and everything looked so elegant! Thank you for the extra effort! I love this church! We have some of the best people you can find anywhere!
10 am.
There was definite anticipation in the air. The worship team locked in and we were off and running. God's Spirit was there and moving among hearts and lives. The song "Mighty to Save" is becoming an anthem of the church. One of my favorites for sure.
Shared from Luke 24 this morning. Today is Easter so we focus on the resurrection. I never want to fall into the trap of trying to get cute and clever with the story of Jesus. There is no reason to preach anything other than the cross and empty tomb at Easter.
Focused in on the fact that the disciples struggled with the reality of Christ's resurrection. You and I would have also. We have the luxury of 2000 years of history to look at those events. They lived them. They saw Jesus die. Their hopes were dashed and their lives turned on end. We shouldn't blame or judge them for their struggles. We struggle with our faith and trust in God still today. We have been told that God is in control and He has the end in hand, yet we worry and stress and get down trodden.
The disciples on the road to Emmaus were discouraged and didn't recognize Jesus because they couldn't get past themselves and their own let down of what had just happened. Even as Jesus walked with them and talked with them, they didn't realize that their Savior, Lord, Messiah was right there. So often, we don't realize God is with us or hear His voice when He speaks because our own discouragement keeps us down. But once Jesus reminded them of the prophets and scriptures, their eyes were opened. He told them the story of Himself. When life is blinding us to the truth of God and we are struggling in our walk with God, we just need to go back to the story. We need to tell others of the story, we need to live the story. When we do, our eyes are opened. The eyes of others are opened. Once their eyes were opened, they told the others and there was no turning back.
I wonder what would happne if we truly got a view of the risen Savior and lived out our lives everyday proclaiming that "He is Alive!"?
You can hear the full podcast of this morning's message here.
Today was the wrap of the "HiStory" series and next week opens up the series "What's In Your Bag?". In this series we will be looking at fulfilling God's purposes in our lives.
Great things are happening and the best is yet to come!
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