I trust all the moms reading this had a good day. And, I also trust that everyone who could called their mom or saw her today. Moms take a lot from us and deserve honor and more than just on a designated day!
Quick run down of the day:
- Proud of Nathan and the worship team. They are taking some good steps forward. We have changed a few things up in their preparation (mentioned that last week) and there are a few more changes in the works and they are stepping up.
- Great spirit of worship in the room today. Seemed like much of the congregation was connected. It was quiet and peaceful and very real. I like it both ways. The loud and driving and exuberant is great; so was this. Both are important and good.
- Through a couple of curve balls at the tech crew by changing up a bit, but they rolled with it. Those guys do a great job! They are usually only recognized when something goes wrong.
- We dedicated a baby today. That is always a treat! This one happens to be the first CapCity baby born after I moved here. I think we had been in town just a week or two when she came along. Beautiful family that God is definitely working in. The dad is going to baptized next Sunday! I love baptisms!
- Gave everybody a treat today, I didn't preach! Instead, I turned it over to Elena. She brought a great message about being a Proverbs 31 woman and used Ruth as an example. There were even some words in there for the men! ;-)
- One guy told me after service that he took more notes from her than he does from me. Thought that was funny.
- I am very proud of my wife! She did a great job today! More than that she is more than I deserve and she keeps me grounded. She is a Proverbs 31 woman.
- The podcast can be found here.
- Next week we not only have our baptisms, but we will begin a new series called "Third Person" about the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
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